How does a landowner request for conditional right-of-way use approval?
A landowner’s first step in seeking a conditional right-of-way use approval is to contact a VELCO Real Estate & Right-of-Way Department representative and discuss preliminary plans. You can reach us at 802.770.6357 or use our online contact form.
After the informal consultation has taken place, the landowner should submit an online Right-of-Way Application here or download, complete and return a paper form to:
Attn: Right-of-Way Department
Vermont Electric Power Company, Inc.
366 Pinnacle Ridge Road
Rutland, VT 05701
The request should include:
- Right-of-Way Application form completed online (below) or copy of the paper form.
- A surveyed plot plan with elevations drawn to scale and stamped by a Vermont Registered Land Surveyor. The plan must show all pertinent dimensions referenced to the edge of right-of-way and numbered transmission structures within and must reference the Vermont state plane coordinates.
- Electrical grounding and other design plans should be prepared by and stamped by a Vermont Professional Engineer or a licensed professional.
- For proposed uses that require permits, licenses, or other authorizations from someone other than VELCO, a list of same, indicating the status of those applications (e.g., approved or pending, etc.) or permits shall be included in the submittal package, except for storm water permits. A complete copy of the storm water permit (or pending application) is required, since it may involve grading within VELCO’s right-of-way.
Please read the VELCO Right-of-Way Conditional Usage Policy before completing the application below.
NOTE: No work may begin within VELCO rights-of-way until an approval letter has been executed by VELCO.